torsdag, juni 26, 2008

Help me please?

Jesus gikk ikke alene langs strendene og veiene.

Mange hadde blitt kalt til å følge ham.

En dag valgte han ut 12 . I tre år fikk han ord til dem fra Gud.

Han begynte fra Moses og fra alle profetene og utla for dem i alle skriftene det som er skrevet om ham.....

I Johannes 17:3 sier han: .... for de ord som du ga meg, har jeg gitt til dem, og de har tatt i mot dem og kjent i sannhet at jeg har utgått fra deg....

De opplevde det samme som Emmaus-vandrerene: Brente ikke vårt hjerte i oss da han talte til oss på veien og opplot skriftene for oss?

Snart skulle de forkynne evangeliet for all skapningen.

Fremdeles er det ungdom som kalles til å bringe budskapet videre.

Fremdeles kjenner de at det er riktig å ta tid til å fordpe seg i Guds ord før de går inn i forkynnergjerningen.

  • Her kommer et åpenhjerrtig rop om hjelp fra en frustrert, ung pastorsønn i Kenya.

Hvem vil hjelpe?

22. juni 2008 19:23
Hello Augustine Help me Please?
May the peace of God be with you all.
As I told last time that I have been send home to look for the Balance ( underskuddet) for my college fees, am still at home and please pray for me so much.
I need God to do for me something so that by this week i go back to college. Is when I began my second year and then No Money.
My Dady is old and mumy too. They are no longer working.
No income which can surport my studies.
I have been strugling all along with myself sometimes washing to some big and prominent people's cars for me to get something for my fees. Sometimes if I got a friend, well wishes etc. But since the election crisis, somebody whom is not your tribe cannot help you.
Please if there is any way you can use as you say about putting my mail and address in the internate for people to read, please do so. Am realy in the moment of trials and hardship, but I believe that God who took care the children of Israelites aftter the death of Moses will do so to me ( Joshua 1:1-13)
Please help me.
Am still at home and it is now two weeks loosing 14 lessons which i dont even know how i will recover them.
You in FPFK, they do not even recognized the children of the founding pastors and men of God like my father, so there is nothing they can even help us with. We remain to serve God in FPFK and we will still do so until the last days of our lives in this world.
I have tried to requast for help but the answer is No help. Am not doing so or telling you that am acusing them , while i just want to appreciate how missionaries durring the older days of fpfk were helping pastors.
This shows that they did a great work by empowering the lives of the families of the servants of God.
Pass my greetings to everyone and receive the greetings from my Father and Mother.
May the peace of God be with you all.
David Onyango Ochola+254724929557-- mobile phone number

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